

  • Vineyard Update

    Vineyard Update

    Growing grapes is tough! It is at relationship level tough! Every week and almost every day it needs attendance and care. Everything started out so well, however it has been a particularly humid and wet year from March right through to July and as such the vines have manifested a bad disease: Downy Mildew. The…-Read…

  • Weather Station Update – Part 1

    Weather Station Update – Part 1

    So over the past few months I have been experimenting with the weather station and have made some major changes. See my first post here for a general description of what I did. After a period of trial and error in the field I understood that the Raspberry Pi 2 that I was using with…-Read…

  • Il fagiano e il tasso

    Il fagiano e il tasso

    The pheasant and the badger. I caught her! …on camera that is. Finally, the “game” is up. On several occasions on my trips to the vinyard I’ve been taken by suprise by the craziness of a pheasant escaping danger. The crazed bleatings and urgent flappings of a bird that seems to knowingly struggle taking to…-Read…

  • Ognuno Ha Il Suo Mistero

    Ognuno Ha Il Suo Mistero

    Ognuno Ha Il Suo Mistero – “Everyone has their mystery” as the consultant told us on seeing my latest flash passion. One of the little projects I wanted to kick off straight away, that could be done on the cheap as it were, was a DIY weatherstation. I love the idea of capturing realtime weather…-Read…

  • So it begins

    So it begins

    Starting the new project there’s lots to do. The first thing on the list is the trellis rebuild. The original structure used metal posts which at parts eventually buckled and bent under the weight of the lines and weathering of the metal. Additionally I didn’t particularly like the lack of attention to the end post…-Read…

  • New Beginnings

    New Beginnings

    So here we are at the start of a new year and a new project – a vinyard! What I plan to do is jot down my adventures in this new project, a project that I am sort of forced to take on with the land we now own. The vinyard is in tatters! The…-Read…

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