Ognuno Ha Il Suo Mistero
Ognuno Ha Il Suo Mistero – “Everyone has their mystery” as the consultant told us on seeing my latest flash passion.
One of the little projects I wanted to kick off straight away, that could be done on the cheap as it were, was a DIY weatherstation.
I love the idea of capturing realtime weather data. Principally to increase awareness of the watering requirements during key seasons for the vines and olive tree plantation; and secondly because it would be interesting to see seasonal patterns comparing with the years ahead.
Since I’m a tech guy I needed a system that would fulfill the following requirements:
- cheap
- easy to integrate into an open source database (MySql for example)
completely autonomous
Having done a bit of research I found the perfect solution – the weatherhat by pimoroni.
I had a raspberry Pi lying around so I thought the kit was an excellent fit. It had all the components integrated and fit neetly into my low power needs.
In the end I went for the following:
- Raspberry Pi 3B
- Pimoroni Weatherhat with weather kit – https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/weather-hat?variant=39672186765395
- 5V/5W solar panel
- 10Ah battery UPS – https://www.amazon.it/dp/B07W8MCBMS?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
One thing I should note – I simply threw this solution together without doing any power calculations. In the next post I will go through my mistakes and how I will rectify them. Also in future posts I will go through the data capture setup and initial dashboard displays, but for now here are some pics!