So it begins
Starting the new project there’s lots to do. The first thing on the list is the trellis rebuild. The original structure used metal posts which at parts eventually buckled and bent under the weight of the lines and weathering of the metal. Additionally I didn’t particularly like the lack of attention to the end post positioning and wire angles tensioning the system. On top of all of this part of the irrigation system had been placed on top of the end-posts. Hmmmm…they weren’t engineers!
My plan of action is as follows:
- Cut back the grass for each strip
- Rework the end posts
- Repair/reset middle posts
- Re-wire to new design
- Start pruning and re-training
Below is the design I’ll be using. In my first attempts I designed it incorrectly forgetting to set a correct supporting angle, but then managed to modify it using the post set at a 60degree angle. It might even have been better to set the supporting brace further at the top of the vertical pole (effectively at 30 degrees) in order for the tension in the wires to have minimal moment force at the top.
The end posts I decided to use 7x7x240 pine wood with the submerged part set in concrete. This might come back to bite me as 40cm is a bit shallow. We shall see.
And this from the other end:
For me this looks very handsome! Maybe because I did it all by myself, even if objectively it isn’t asthetic it gives me so much joy working on this project.
Post setting didn’t take me too much time. It was my first time and I was a bit worried I’d get it right. In between running off to the store to stock up on the relevant parts it probably took me a few hours. I recon now, with all the necessary parts in front of me and a stop watch I could have them set within 45 minutes.
The tough part was cutting back the thick grass. The irrigation tube and supporting wire had sunk below the vegetation and cutting through it with my hedge trimmer was frustrating work, every 5 minutes having to stop to replace the nylon cord or cut manually through the overgrowth.
Finally with a setting sun and after a few days of toiling away I leave you with the irrigation and top-lines set:
Activiy state of play: